Wednesday, April 27, 2011

woods ------- Division

briefed the forest is the . At the same time kas long asour hometown in Heilongjiang province is a treasure trove of great forests. Learn northeastern forest tree species unique to cultivate the students love the feeling of forests.
studying position of students in fifth grade
lively analytic, mastermind curiosity strong, elated wording, compliant to communicate with people, but their life experience is limited, taper scope of knowledge, the chance to experience little knowledge of the substances depicted their adjoin with the fewer difficult to understand. This requires teachers visual picture and the image of the data easier to approve aid them understand and master the character of forests and forest-related knowledge Northeast.
educating objectives
1. clear . Forests can absorb carbon dioxide, oxygen, carbon and oxygen via photosynthesis to maintain the balance of the atmosphere; forest can absorb harmful substances; forest can secrete bactericidal; The absorption ingredient of forest to dust.
2. kas long asour home is one of Heilongjiang Province treasure trove of great forests. Learn northeastern forest tree species distinctive to cultivate the students love the sensibility of forests.
3. practice students to collect information, process information, such as ability to summarize.
teaching important and laborious
clear .
teaching preparation: collect cumbersome and difficult.
dealt with in the team cooperation and commute of information gained the perception to appliance the teaching objectives 1.
observing their homes in the understanding of the implementation of the teaching process, teaching objectives 2

array to better to effect efficient teaching,then why ought not this, teaching objectives to achieve the above, I collected message almost the txt and produce multimedia courseware. and teaching is devised as usual:
one, feel the Earth's lungs
forest ------- Division: query somebody to admire a group ahead class scenic forest Photo (courseware to produce).
students to appreciate the picture.
Teacher: Tell me about the feelings of Appreciation?
Health: the forest is so beautiful!
Health : I have been to these areas, the scenery is particularly smart.
Division: Forest is not just the United States, which with our human development and ecological poise of ecology is closely interlocked. Some scientists say the forest is the ;. blackboard: Earth's lungs. pointing to the lung words, said: penetrate what you consider of the word?
students: think of the human lung. to produce pictures. lung is accustomed for breathing, inhaling oxygen, exhaling carbon dioxide. < br> Courseware lungs with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide diagram.
Teacher: The lungs are vital organs of humans to sustain life. biologist,toronto escorts, said the forest is the Health: Forest is quite important for the Earth, forests produce oxygen inhalation of carbon dioxide, but also the freshness of the air alteration.
Second, the Earth's lungs into the forest ------
Teacher: the pedagogue before class ask someone to collect the outlined the main content extraction. Then the students to communicate with the plate, a representative of the class later the exchange reported. Requirements: AC justified while the first specific data and then illustrate, language fluency, the perspicuity.
produce courseware . explicitly requires students to read the book and
, carding content. students to communicate with the team,toronto escort, reporting on behalf of the class.
Health: 1, forests can absorb carbon dioxide, oxygen, carbon and oxygen through photosynthesis to maintain the balance of the atmosphere .
produce courseware specifically the human lung, the Earth's lungs, oxygen, sulfur dioxide, the relationship chart.
2, the jungle tin preoccupy disadvantageous substances: sulfur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride.
produce courseware: a explicit sulfur dioxide namely a colorless gas, One of the chief pollutants in the atmosphere. volcanic outbreak ambition ooze the gas. fluoride is a colorless gas, will produce the scent stimuli.
3, the forest can secrete spinosad ......< br> 4, Forest The absorption of dust can ......< br> Division camera blackboard.
Teacher: praise your team, organized a very clear, very muscular language capabilities, for the group said they did not add the content?
Health added namely the camera to produce courseware for teachers: broad-leaved forest hectares a year 68 tons of dust, dust absorption delay.
divisions: one cubic measure found in the classroom to acquaint students to setup the cabinets a ton of water. about is this closet 68. asking the students to talk about feelings.
Health: Forest actually a year will be skillful to absorb so much dust. because us to purify the ventilation. We can not depart the forest. left the forest we human beings will die.
Student: No forest we can not exhale, because there is no oxygen. We would like to thank the forest, is it in the protection of our body.
Teacher: Through the on study, we know the earth's lungs is too magnificent, said pointing to blackboard; no forest will be no oxygen in our people lives lost. We humans are always inseparable from the forest. Therefore, we must (conservation of forest).
writing on the blackboard: the protection of forest
Third, understand the home Forest
Teacher: You know our country's aggregate forest area is much Why?
citizen forest area is 195,452,200 hectares.
division: forestry forest is chiefly dispensed in the Northeast, Southwest Forestry District, Southern Forest space. We belong to northeast Heilongjiang forest. to produce courseware for a terse Northeast Forest. including the zone, timber volume, and other endemic species. Heilongjiang people feel particularly proud to do.
Teacher: see the content you feel?
Health: I feel particularly arrogant to be a human of Heilongjiang.
Teacher: how to protect the forest as a student do?
Health: Do not elect flowers.
students: do not play in the forest the bough off .
Student: I want to plant trees.
Student: I want to write posts fair educated today sent to the web.
Teacher: I particularly appreciate this reach. not merely saves time but likewise saves resources. make a lot of people see and enhance people's awareness of forest protection.
prose on the blackboard: Forest
home attention division: We can not plant trees into the forest every daytime, yet we can from the side of the tiny entities, you want to do What?
Health: Protecting our side of the wooden seats, furniture, etc., so do not always replaced, it was not felling trees.
Student: I want to attach to plants and trees of classes.
Student: I spent according to the household family. region in the flower, not to throw asset in the green belt. to give flowers, trees and a neat environment.
Teacher: You're really agreeable.
Division: Today we learned Full report additional? (stamina) which is the expansion of our operations, you can Why?
writing on the blackboard:
the Earth's lungs
1, oxygen, exhale carbon dioxide
2, digestion of harmful gases (sulfur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride)
3, the secretion of spinosad.
4, The absorption of dust.

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