Thursday, April 28, 2011

regards cards hh yet I tin not purchase one what's backward the steady flow of deforestation

Mother's Day letter to Dear Mother Earth Mother Earth
happy holidays!
Today is Mother's Day, everywhere in the ventilation was fraught with the aroma of roses and carnations, innumerable sons and daughters expressing their own access love and appreciation for mothers.
motherly love namely the maximum selfless and greatest love. You are such a excellent and selfless mother. exhausting all their nurtured generations of children, with their wide inclusive of the sons and daughters of idea betrayed and hurt.
Mom, today is your holiday, why you are in tears, but tears are so sour? hard, and landed his own center,shanghai massage, converging to the same acid creeks.
who lit you have beauteous long cilia, thick dark cloud every once in a while to hover in your brain?
who is callous in your aesthetic insolence,shanghai escort, and a sculptured a scar, you so pathetic?
Who is in your blood trickling stream, into a great digit of toxins and garbage, granting you full of vicissitudes of life, wastage of laugh?
Oh, Mother, amuse forgive their stupidity and their children careless it. I understand, I was a naive baby, constantly let you wail.
I do not want the anguish to those hard to swallow your plastic bags, plastic boxes, but they really so handy to hand, a lost, you can let me easily hurry.
I do not absence to waste those precious pure water, I know it is your life savings of numerous annuals the source, but open halter rinse vegetables create up a more than cozy, more hygienic . Moreover, the water will take it behind washing face flushing toilets is really a lot of difficulty.
I do not want to purchase those hard-raising together with your tree has produced a one-time chopsticks, welcoming cards hh but I can not buy one what's after the steady stream of deforestation, who have to have a steady flow of expense.
I do not want to go to go driving a car, I kas long asthe smell of the exhaust gas will poison your lungs overwhelmed, but if I hike , we must exhaust smoke emitted others, and even less sleep a lot of time.
Mom, I did not average to hurt you. But every day when I have not direction of each move of their own , to the deep hurt reasoned you. I, and many brothers and sisters, to your health and happiness a mini bit of gainsay.
how selfish we are a team of children, ah, you so loved us, merely we do not know thatThanksgiving and return, do not know treasure and cherish.
I kas long asyou are tired his final resource and patience. an day, you will acquire a copy of the children and trampling in the infinite, with a weep from the work. By that time, the world ambition mourn all alive creatures, but pain can not find a location to disburse homage.
dear mother, and sincerely wish you a merry vacation! hope always the children of the globe can this love celebration reflect aboard their own, carefully feel your love, with their own deeds, in commute because your young, pulchritude, heal your wounded psyche!
2007 年 5 月 13 Mother's Day

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