Wednesday, April 27, 2011

namely planet thing

World's top ten list of most threatened species trade
the world mall for shark fins (that shark fin) the growing claim, top ten menu of most trade in intimidated species, accounted for only 3 sharks. In adding, fishing enthusiasts ambition be numerous in the West for a small shark pillage. The Tigers are altitude of the menu.
1. tiger
in the face of habitat wastage and forest land of the threat of wild tiger populations are declining. In addition, the wild tiger tiger trade would likewise bring greater risk.
2. porbeagle porbeagle
is a ferocious,Earth still long apt live both Created, large-scale migration of medium-sized shark, its length up to 3.5 meters. Because of its mutton and fins are very valuable,shanghai escort, so have a tall mercantile value. In the UK, many people were fishing campaign will porbeagle as prey. It is estimated that the number of the North Atlantic porbeagle has now dripped at 89%.
sawfish sawfish is a fierce sharks temperament. sawfish slower growth rate, making beneath the other carnivorous fish larvae are vulnerable to onset, paired with people over-fishing and environmental pollution, so the number is rapidly dwindled. had previously lived in a wide scope of Mediterranean and eastward Atlantic sawfish has now completely disappeared in European waters. < br> 4.
spiny dogfish spiny dogfish is a small long white shark smudged living in the coastal water districts around the world. Over the quondam 10 years, the northeast Atlantic spiny dogfish extra than 95% reduction in the number.
Red Coral Red Coral is the maximum merit of all the rare coral species .5000 annuals, people have been fishing this coral, use them to make jewelry and ornaments.
6. Asian rhino
The eastern rhino loudspeaker is made of precious materials of traditional Asian medication, they have long been hunted.
European eel European eel living in coastal and freshwater lakes in Europe. mature European eel The meat has a high value, over the past several decades, their number has been greatly reduced.
8. like
in some African and Asian countries, the ivory trade has been very rampant, and many elephants can no escape being the fate of poaching.
brutal magnificent apes great apes, including gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans, their number is now in rapid decline. The cardinal threats to great apes from illegal animal trade and habitat havoc, etc..
10. big-leaf mahogany Swietenia macrophylla
American rain woods namely a very rare vegetation category. deserving to roomy illegal logging, the digit of big-leaf mahogany namely still in continued to ebb.

one eye-opener to see plants that you see afterward beginning the following video by the harmony between male and animal are we

that planet entity, we There is merely one Earth! universal warming approached a very serious stage
! to retention the planet Earth to convert a real ring to safeguard persons
it! Let us adore flowers and trees, animals and friends, caring for the earth bar
family ! love of all things is to love our humanity ah!
concerned about global warming, see:
Save the Earth mmCCTV10 feature documentary (video)
environmentally conscious people on earth must see the latest Jingshitongyan mm (video) < br> environmentally conscious people on earth have to discern the latest Yu Shiming mm made (movie)
environmentally conscious people on earth must see the latest Awaken mm prevalent saying (video)
environmentally conscious mm ice-free Arctic this summer?
concerned about environmental protection Argentine glacier breakdowns mm (Figure)
cared almost environmental conservation mmSOS Story: You tin save the earth
concerned with environmental mm and Al Gore save the planet (video)
Tips Language:
Does your child package Green yet? (primarily renowned yeah)
your vegetarian yet? (ultra popular, ultra-stylish)
has planted a few trees ah? (the most rewarding thing 啦!!)
SAVE THE PLANET save the planet!
GO VEG begin eating vegetarian!!
BE GREEN the environmental protection!!!
(top hot buzzwords, the top wave of people are doing,beijing massage!)
information network to collect, amended godsend award.

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